Our 2024-25 Theme

Wholehearted - Loving God: Heart, Soul, Mind, & Strength


What if the antidote to all of our exhaustion and overwhelm is wholeheartedness?


Wholeheartedly showing up each day;

holding steady to Jesus.


It's not a call to do more or be more on our own—but to release, receive, and show up with our whole self, being fully present to every moment God has for us.

Do you ever feel pulled in a thousand directions? Like you’re unable to fully show up in all the places for all the people? 

Are you overwhelmed by your inability to do it all or attain any semblance of balance?

Does the weight of the world feel like more than you can bear?

Are you tired of being tired—emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically?

You’re not alone. 

We feel all of these tensions and exhaustions because deep down inside each of us is a thirst for something better…

Each one of us has a thirst to be loved—to be fully seen and loved not for what we look like or what we can accomplish, but simply for who we are. We long to be loved without having to cover anything up or pretend like we have it all together, but to be met where we are and have someone say, “I am for you.”

We have a thirst to believe—to believe this world is not all that there is and that sin, shame, and sorrow will not be the end of our story. We have a thirst to believe that someone can make all that is wrong right, that ashes can be turned into beauty, and mourning can be turned into dancing. 

We also have a thirst to become—to become all that God has created us to be. As a bearer of his very image, he has placed within each of us hopes, gifts, and abilities that are rich with meaning for the purpose of beholding him and becoming more like him.

And we have a thirst to belong—to be fully known, loved, and welcomed in. We long to find deep connection in what can often be a very lonely world, and know that we hold a place of value in this moment to both serve and be served as a part of something bigger than ourselves. 

There is only One who can quench our every thirst; his name is Jesus.

Jesus sees us; he loves us; he calls us to come close—with all of our weariness and brokenness, imperfection and exhaustion. He offers us perfect peace and rest that we won’t find anywhere else. (Matthew 11:28-29)

God calls us to love him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love one another. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Mark 12:29-30)

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we release the ways of the world that propel scarcity and fear, perfectionism, performing, and comparison. We release the ways of our flesh that lead us to sin and shame. We learn to release control and anxiety, numbness and hopelessness. 

And through the gracious love of Christ we receive a new life that is restored, redeemed, and whole. It affects everything about who we are as women—as moms, wives, friends, workers, volunteers, sisters, creators, organizers, neighbors, homemakers... We flourish when our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength are synchronized toward the glory and enjoyment of God in every area and aspect of life. 

It’s a slow process. A life-long process. A process that requires the whole of who we are.

Maybe even more importantly it requires that we know how to rest in the strength and presence of God.

Join us this year at MomLife as we learn to wholeheartedly show up each day—completely and sincerely devoted, free from all reserve or hesitation—holding steady to Jesus.

Key Topics

Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”

- Mark 12:29-31 -


We must be willing to turn over all our heart (the seat of our emotions, desires, and motivations) to God. We can take the difficult emotions of fear, anxiety, insecurity, and unworthiness that the enemy wants to use to take us down and pour them out daily to a God who sees and knows all in order to let him bring HIS clarity and truth into our everyday circumstances. When we feel known and loved by God it changes everything.

A wholehearted mom shows up beloved by God and spreads that love to those around her.


We must be willing to turn all our soul (the seat of our actions and will) to God. Deep soul work happens through our practice of regular spiritual rhythms and renewing times of rest. We choose to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.

A wholehearted mom shows up believing God’s truth and letting it shape her life and mothering and renew her soul.


We must be willing to turn our mind (our intellectual pursuits, thoughts, worries, and anxieties) over to God. We actively take captive our thoughts, making them obedient to the Lord. Rather than allowing the enemy to use our thoughts to lead us toward overwhelm and despair, we choose to fill our minds with whatever is pure, lovely, and admirable, meditating on things that are excellent and worthy of praise. And we put into practice all that we learn and receive from the Lord. 

A wholehearted mom shows up with a renewed mind focused on becoming more like Jesus.


We must be willing to pursue and live like Jesus with all of our might and ability, while also acknowledging that we CANNOT do it alone. We will need God's strength, power, and Spirit working in us. We must care for and tend to our bodies, hearts, souls, and minds well in order to be able to give it our all—not a half-hearted effort, but a wholehearted effort—being fully present with God and our people each day. 

A wholehearted mom shows up with all she has, relying on God’s strength in order to belong to him and her community.

Join us! 

The 2024-2025 MomLife season will run from

August 2024 - May 2025.

Register NOW as a Participant!